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The following resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.


2.1 – Business Planning Evaluation Questions: Utilize the template to evaluate – with no emotional context – the company position in each best practice. Prioritize the questions and answers when completed to formulate your must do and need to do list.

5.3 – Raise Price? – What are the Effects on GP and Overall Profits: Use this template to understand your company’s actual costs on a job and for the whole year in the add-on department. In addition, utilize this tool to analyze the effects of any price modifications on profit, gross profit, and customer attrition or growth.

6.12 – Sweet 16 – Targeted Letter – Used Internal to Club Customers: This targeted letter describes 3 offers, positioning the SWEET 16 offer as the focal point in the middle as the very best value. Adjust the offer as needed; the target audience is your internal existing club clients. We typically have had success with tech selling and lead turnovers on club calls presenting this letter to clients with time and a relaxed selling model to articulate the story.

6.12 – Targeted Letter – Direct Mail – Offer 20 Year Extended Warranty Blowout Sale: The 20-year extended warranty is an offer for shoulder season opportunities within your existing club agreement customers. It is best to be edited and coordinated with your technicians to create opportunities for sales of 10 year or older equipment that is functioning well but could be moved from peak season failures to slow shoulder season. The letter is hand delivered by a technician and based on maintenance of a club agreement from that point forward to maintain the warranty.