The following resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.
13.6 – On Boarding Plan for Employee: On boarding a new employee is the precursor to a long term cultural fit and sustained term of employment. every employee should have an on-boarding sequence and it should be defined as in the example with accountable parties to review how to bring an employee into your company with professionalism.
13.7 – Employee Sample Plan for Development: An example employee development training outline to be customized.
13.7 – Employee Development Example Outline: Use the sample here to define a example of “How” one might begin outlining a development tool by position. This begins with on boarding and extends through a current role, but also a career path as well.
8.1 – How Many Sales People Before Hiring a Sales Manager?: Use this article to ask and answer some key questions about the need to hire a full time Sales Manager versus an owner facilitating the sales function.