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The following resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.


13.5 Plumbing Supervisor, General Manager Interview Guide – Utilize the plumbing interview guide to determine the questions, attributes, flying formation, and general aptitudes of a plumbing supervisory role, or plumbing General Manager position. Defining what you want is always the key to vetting properly.

13.8 Plumbing General Manager Role Description – Use this tool as an example to customize your General Manager role, expectations, metrics, as well as compensation and training that apply to this position.

13.8 Electrician Role Description and expectations – Use this role description, and letter of expectations to add depth and structure to your own version of the electrician role inside your company.

13.8 Plumbing Supervisor and Operations – Here is an example to customize and add depth into, as a Plumbing Supervisory role. Sample letter of expectations, role description (add in additional activities you want), training plan, and compensation option.

20.7 Plumbing Interview Template – Use this template to interview and determine best practices for plumbing talent, specifically supervisors and managers.

20.7 Plumbing Manager Role Description – Plumbing General Manager role Description and Expectations for defining the parameters of a managerial role in a plumbing company or division.


23.4 Role Description Electricians – Use this to create structure around a role or job description for the electricians in your company.