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The following COVID-19 resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.


3.3 – SBA – Paycheck Protection Plan – Loan Estimate HR-748 Tool: Use this file to estimate your loan and expense platform for the COVID -19 HR-748 stimulus bill. This tool is an example, you should validate all data with your CPA and your legal counsel, as this forgiveness loan can turn into an actual loan amount, needing repayment.

4.5 – Cash Flow Forecast Tool: The cash flow forecast tool is important to tie a sales estimate in a budget, to actual cash projections. What cash will come in, as not all cash is collected timely, or at time of completion like we hope. Also what expenses can be dealt with over the immediate week and months. We use cash flow week to week, and update the tool, and also view the coming 30-60 days to ask, will sales and cash remain as we expect or change?


13.15 – Disaster Procedures – Company Communication Sample: Use this Word document to create a communication plan – document the message. Explain in an organized fashion, who, what, when, wheer and how the company wants to focus its team, resources, and facilities.

13.15 – Disaster plan – Technician Procedures Example: Technicians in today’s world have experienced change. We need to craft procedures for the technicians, in any crisis, be it weather related, mother nature driven of any form of disruption. Here is an example during COVID-19 of technicians procedure adaptations (Social Distancing Process)from the perfect service call approach.