The following resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.
9.11 Questions in Technician Selling: Use these questioning tools to guide your company technician questioning process. This is a baseline. There are multiple tools to define questions in having a conversation.
9.11 Technician Questioning Process – Selling: Use the page 13 questions on the technician communications document here, to begin formulating a set of repair versus replace questions.
9.11 Questions for Repair and Replace – The Example Questions: Use this two page slip sheet to prompt and train the technicians on questioning technique.
16.5 Install Job Board: Here is an example of a visual residential installation job board. The job board organizes the crews by day and week, and identifies the equipment and also the location. An operations of residential installation supervisor should keep the visual board up to date.