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The following resources have been added to the Contracting Best Practices Resource Library. To access these new tools, visit the Best Practices Library.


9.4 – Technician Assessment and Developmental Plans: This video explains industry best practice to help determine how best to develop your professional service technician team.

9.6 – Goal Setting – Becoming a Top Performer: Learn about the goal setting process and how to reach new heights of peak performance. Becoming a top performer isn’t for everyone, yet if you aspire to grow as an individual and improve your compensation, this video will highlight some ideas to make you think differently. Achievement takes dedication and a plan. Use this content to make your achievement plan more focused.

9.18 – Technicians Delivering on Company Brand Promise: The best service professionals know how to make a client feel special, unique, and emotionally well. They do this by understanding how to deliver exceptional service and communication to the customer. We call this a brand promise. This video defines how a professional service technician can more effectively deliver the company’s brand promise leading to more sales and profits.


9.4 – Technician Development Model: Utilize this document to determine how you coach the technician on the role of the technician.

Not an EGIA member? – Start your 30-day free trial to access these new items, along with hundreds of other useful videos, templates, and documents to help you achieve success in sales, marketing, training, and much more.