BYB Test – 5


1. Learn how to create a world-class customer experience for both the internal and external customer.

2. Identify specific ways to treat people right and help them feel valued.

The Golden Rule Defined

Regardless of language or source, we know two things about the Golden Rule. The first is that virtually everyone can quote it. The second is that if we actually lived it, the world would be a very different place.

While the Golden Rule states, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the true essence of the principle is to treat people right – with kindness, love, and respect.

Napoleon Hill said, “The Golden Rule both equals and transcends in importance all other laws of personal power and achievement.”

There are two ways to look at this principle: from the organizational and personal perspectives.

The Golden Rule

4 Powerful Ways to Live the Golden Rule

At its core, living the Golden Rule is a mindset and condition of the heart. It is how you think of and treat others. Instead, it is a fundamental mindset and condition of the heart. If you’re a business leader, it’s what you develop as a culture in your company. Ironically, because of the baggage that can build up in close relationships, you may sometimes fail to apply the Golden Rule with those closest to you as much as you do with strangers. But it should be applied to everyone!

When you are living this “rule,” you should not expect reciprocal treatment. You should give freely and generously, without concern for what may be returned to you. To presume a quid pro quo removes the “golden” aspects of this principle. Sometimes it’s intuitive to live the Golden Rule. Other times it helps to have a plan when you see opportunities. Now, let’s review the four tips for living the Golden Rule.

1. Carry a Shield of Love

From time to time, sometimes even daily, we will encounter people who are offensive, rude, thoughtless, unkind, and sometimes downright mean. One of the best ways to respond to a person or situation like this is with love.

A couple of humorous but very effective ways to counter these types of fiery darts is to have a defensive arsenal of love.

Try this one out and see how it works for you: when someone is unkind or less thoughtful than he should be, internally say to yourself, “I love you, and I forgive you.” This is extremely powerful. Countless sales representatives find this to be a great tool as they talk to people each day.

Make an effort to love someone, even when that person has been mean or rude to you. Yes, this is difficult. It’s counterintuitive. However, just watch the peace, power, and control that come into your total being as you take the high ground and respond with kindness guided by this force field of love.

These actions allow you to be friendly, kind and considerate at every opportunity. You will feel better, and so will the people around you. You may not change the other person, but you will create a better situation. There is a chance that the outcome will be more positive and productive, and you will feel better in the process.

2. Be Aware of People’s Feelings

We all tend to get caught up in our own concerns, problems, and feelings. As a result, we can become desensitized to the needs of others. The Golden Rule is a reminder that you should be as attuned to the people around you as you are to yourself. Viktor Frankl recalls, “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

3. Be Compassionate with Others

When you feel critical of another person, consider saying to yourself, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” Then offer compassion instead of judgment. Often, you don’t know why someone may be doing what he’s doing or why he’s acting the way he is. It is better to err on the side of kindness and compassion than that of judgment and criticism.

4. Celebrate Differences and Avoid Prejudice in Every Form

Prejudices can easily become ingrained in our perceptions of others. Make it a habit to celebrate the differences of others. Look at each individual as a fellow human being with unique skills, talents, and abilities that you can learn from, regardless of that person’s background, skin color, faith, attractiveness, height, education, gender, age, or politics.

"Speak not injurious words neither in jest nor earnest. Scoff at none although they give occasion." ~ Sixty-fifth of George Washington’s Rules of Civility


Let’s review the four tips for living the golden rule.

  1. Carry a shield of love
  2. Be aware of people’s feelings
  3. Be compassionate with others
  4. Celebrate differences and avoid prejudice in every form

12 Tips to Treat People Right & Help Them Feel Valued

Have you ever worked for a “bad” supervisor? If so, what made them “bad?” For example, your response might sound like this, “I didn’t feel valued, or they didn’t treat me very nicely.”

On the other hand, have you ever worked for a “great” supervisor? If so, what made them “great?” Your answer this time might sound something like, “I felt respected, valued, and appreciated. They treated me well.”

Which supervisor would you prefer to work with? Which type of person would you like to be?

This principle is all about treating people with kindness and respect, regardless of their job title or whether they can do anything for you.

It is important to treat people right and help them feel valued. Review these 12 tips for success.

Choose one or two tips that would help you better live this principle in your everyday life.

How to Create a World-Class Customer Experience

Nearly everyone wants to work with enjoyable, dependable people who do what they say and over-deliver. This principle can significantly impact the culture, whether a business, government organization, or non-profit.

Organizations that prioritize the customer experience realize 68% higher profits than competitors. The real question is, how does an organization create loyal customers and improve the customer experience?

Below are a few ideas of what other organizations have done to focus on the customer experience.

From this list (or your own ideas), what’s one way you could improve the internal or external customer experience right now?

Summary & Reflection

Consider ways you could better live this principle in your personal life and in your organization:

  1. What are your thoughts on this principle, and how do they apply to you and your organization?
  2. What are three important things you want to remember from this principle?
  3. What’s something you will start doing today to better live the Golden Rule?