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Question: With restrictions starting to loosen in regards to the pandemic, what would you say is the biggest single factor that determines whether contractors will be successful or not?

Drew Cameron; EGIA faculty member and Founder of Flow Odyssey:

If you’ve been listening to these calls since this all started a couple months back, the one thing that I’ve been consistently saying on these calls and to all my clients, is you have to lead from a place of strength and confidence.

What you’re doing is a valuable service to people that help them in their lives and their homes. You help them stay healthy with the products or services that you offer. You make home and life one less thing to worry about.

Humble confidence, leadership, and strength are what I would always suggest that you have. When you come from that place of strength, you create an aura, in essence, a magnet. You become magnetic to your people, you become magnetic to the market.

Humble confidence and strength should show through your marketing to create a Seal of Safety for your customers because this isn’t going away. Leaders say this is going to be here all summer, so you have to continue to service your customers safely.

Leadership. Strength. No fear.

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